24 Mar 2012

22 Mar 2012

Puzzle 33: Nurikabe 6

Thought I'd make a bit of an easier puzzle today. (Let me know if that didn't work out)

20 Mar 2012

19 Mar 2012

Puzzle 30: Shakashaka 1

The puzzle type that most reminds me of Portinatx.

16 Mar 2012

Puzzle 29: Masyu 5

My first Masyu with perfect anti-symmetry (every white circle is 180 degree symmetric from a black circle and vice versa).

15 Mar 2012

Puzzle 28: Mochikoro 2

Here is a Mochikoro. Note that there is one clue on each row, and one clue on each column, and the clues are the numbers 1 to 10, each occurring once. Note also, that there is 180 degree symmetry, and that the symmetrical pairs are 1-6, 2-7, 3-8, 4-9 and 5-10. Thought that was interesting. That's all.

13 Mar 2012

12 Mar 2012

Puzzle 26: Heyawake 3

This one is quite hard, in my humble opinion. The key is to consider the four central squares.

8 Mar 2012

Puzzle 24: Heyawake 2

I think I am done with this grid (cf. Country Road 1 and Shimaguni 1) for now.

7 Mar 2012

Puzzle 23: Masyu 3

Hope you enjoy! Do you guys think it is beneficial to have difficulty ratings on these puzzles or not?

3 Mar 2012

Puzzle 22: Tentai Show 1

Thanks to my long time collaborator Dave T for the picture.